Ziegler Group Review: A Feast of Freight Forwarding Expertise
As an impartial observer with in-depth experience within the freight forwarding industry, I’m often asked to provide honest, useful reviews of various logistics companies. Today, I'm putting one of the world’s finest logistics firms under scrutiny: www.zieglergroup.com.
About Ziegler Group
Established in 1908, Ziegler Group has grown to become a formidable presence in the global freight forwarding realm. Boasting robust logistics networks that span over 200 countries, they offer comprehensive solutions for a myriad of transportation needs.
Services Offered by Ziegler Group
Ziegler’s core strength lies in their diverse range of offerings. They’ve made their mark in the areas of road, air, and sea freight, fourth-party logistics (4PL), and multimodal transportations. Let’s delve further into these.
1. Road Transportation
Ziegler provides impeccable ground logistics solutions. Their extensive network caters to a wide variety of freight needs, with the ability to handle partial or fully loaded trucks, container transportation, oversized cargo, and temperature-controlled transportation.
2. Air and Sea Freight
With its mastery of air and sea transport, Ziegler confidently operates across international borders. Their multimodal transportation capabilities further ensure seamless transfers between sea, land and air—curtailing the hassle and cost-effectiveness associated with multiple carriers.
3. Fourth-Party Logistics (4PL)
Providing comprehensive supply chain management, Ziegler’s 4PL service promises increased agility and efficiency. They offer real-time tracking, ensuring transparency and full visibility from pickup to delivery - a boon for clients yearning for meticulous control over their supply chain.
Ziegler Group’s Unique Attributes
Several ingredients contribute to Ziegler Group's recipe for success:
- Extensive Network: With an impressive network that spans over 200 countries, Ziegler has a formidable global reach.
- Innovative Technology: From real-time tracking to digital customer interfaces, Ziegler Group's embrace of technology is evident in their operations.
- Comprehensive Services: Ziegler has a broad portfolio of offerings which cater to a diversity of freight and logistical needs.
Client Support at Ziegler Group
Ziegler shows a strong customer-centric ethos by offering prompt customer support and ensuring their queries and grievances are attended to with utmost seriousness. This client-first approach is perhaps one of the reasons Ziegler boasts an impressive client retention rate.
Environmental Responsibility
Ziegler Group’s commitment to reducing their carbon footprint is admirable. From investing in cleaner energy sources for their facilities to their proactiveness in achieving emissions reductions through efficient transportation methods, they illustrate a conscientious business model in freight forwarding, setting an example for the industry to follow.
Who Can Benefit from Ziegler Group?
From small businesses seeking to transport their goods across borders, to multinational corporations in need of 4PL services, Ziegler Group offers reliable solutions for virtually every type of shipping requirement.
In conclusion, Ziegler Group holds its ground as a compelling option for businesses worldwide, owing to its robust network, expansive service offerings, dedication to customer service, and a demonstrated commitment towards environmentally responsible practices. They’ve earned a well-deserved spot in the upper echelon of the global logistics industry.
Дмитрий Галиновский
Shaun Powell
Łukasz S (scaniathe)
Daje 5 za super szybki rozładunek. Mili ludzie. Pozdrawiam
Zsolt Orosz
A rakodàs elég lassú.Viszont a vàmolàs hamar megvan. Engednek ott aludni akár hètvègère is.
Стефан Стефанов
Mohammad Raja
Skaritsis Tiago
Andrew Maynard
Sea freight Hub
Vaidas Vainevičius
Dirba superinis lietuvaitis. Malonus bendravimas. GreitS iškrovimas
Robert Pentek
Виталий Ковалев
Хорошая логистика. Есть русскоговорящие. Быстро разгрузили. Немного сложный заезд но все хорошо
Mezo Milan
Renato Esteves
Armazem De logística bem localizado a instalações sao novas o satff tem entrega total quanto a organização 5 estrelas
Um espaço não muito grande mas enorme no pessoal que fazes parte desta equipa tem instalações limpas twm wc limpo o que não se encontra nestes tipo de armazem tem uma forma de trabalhar orgamizada e rápida, o todos eles o meu obrigado por ter oportunidade de conhecer gente assim profissional e. Eficiência, continuem a trabalahr assim e o caminho para o sucesso
mark newman
Good lads on the forktrucks.
Robert traczyk
Nowa logistyka ,dokumenty celne od ręki, mały parking
Marius Catalin Bente
Виталик Конончик
Очень долгая разгрузка. Чтобы разгрузить 2 паллет. Простоял в рампе 2,5 часа.
djtinoni almeida
Espaço bastante pequeno para manobrar camiões articulados, mas pessoas 5 estrelas, desde o atendimento a receção das mercadorias, mereciam mais estrelas por deixarem dormir o pessoas que lá chega e fica sem horário para descarregar, toda gente sabe que neste país não deixam dormir nos parques das descargas, e os parques em áreas de serviço só temos duas horas grátis.
Andreea Popa
Vitaliy Belokurov
Мало места. Много машин ,ожидаю разгрузки уже 5 часов и это ещё не конец
Иван Поветкин
Janusz Lewicki
Barna Béla Bíró
Vladimir Trichkov
5h chakane za 10pal. Tiasno, neudobno. Pulna tragedia
емил славов
Андрей Новацкий
Хорошее место для загрузки. Можно встать на территории. Есть туалет!!!
Δημητριος Κετσετσιδης
Matthew Hamilton
Ion Valentin Dumitrescu
Dario Nenadovic
Jose Antonio Gonzalez Sanchez
Hay que venir comido je je larga espera....
Ev Graf
Молодцы )
Martin Kalis
Michelle Heal
Great business to work for. Excellent services available.
Sylvain Debienne
Daniel Ciortan
Foster's Transport
Can’t believe the service I was given to unload out the back doors and not the side making more work for me, plus free coffee because the machine was broken, and clean toilets too…Excellent work Ziegler UK…
Djolee Wins10
Flukey Boi
Алэн Кашенко
Ali Sünnetçioğlu
Francisco Antunes
Muito lenta...cais apertados... muito camião.,. primeiro os deles...
Сергей Лукьянов
Спокойная рабочая атмосфера.есть русскоговорящий сотрудник
Tomasz Kończak
Razvan Ceica
Foarte greu se misca personalul. Iti trebuie macar 5 6 ore de program. Dupa ce incarci poti face pauza in curte la ei. Dar timpul de asteptare este foarte indelungat
Andy Mayo
lehel ozsvath
Daniel Randasu
Rafał Popławski
Marcel Garbacz
Pracují od 6.30, když přijedete dříve,tak vás pustí dovnitř na parkoviště.V zóně je zákaz parkování.Zachytne parkoviště je nedaleko,ale poněkud plné.
Хорошая компания , я доволен обслуживанием
Eyup Satilmis
Dave Smith
It's brilliant
Krasimir Lazarov
Може да се паркира в спедицията за нощувка...Има WC...
Josip Andraković
Roman Kuklovský
Sławomir Smorag
W miarę,mogło by być troszkę szybciej,troszkę długi czas oczekiwania na podjazd pod rampe,Ale tragedii nie ma
carlos silva
Não recomendo
Jan Klic
Быстро, доброжелательно и качественно. Спасибо!
Alejandro Martinez Pinto
Buen trato ... aseos y maquina de café...
Типичный Дальнобой по Европе. (Харитон-UA-LT-EU)
Matic Kopac
Miroslav Kouba
Docela to jde nechaj vas tam i prespat
Peter Georgiev
Добре е. Но има какво да се желае
Piero Razzetti
Milan Achač
Slušné jednání, po dohodě možnost parkování.
Marek Roz
Fajna firma!!!
Dimitar Hristev
Matthias Bock
Sehr freundliche und hilfsbereite Mitarbeiter. Im Büro und im Warehouse.
Dan woods
I just fitted a tyre on a lorry there so all I can is nice concrete ground very tidy and well organised
Nicolae Marin
David Ion
Steve Carr
Very efficient
Jason Sheppard
andrius bacianskas
Paulo Reis
Worse Ziegler ever 2 hours on the bay to unload 8 pallets and they haven't started yet could be another 2 hours this people think we don't have anything else to do than waiting around.
Lauras Paliukenas
Hüseyin Acar
Ashley Chohan
Staff quite rude and leave you waiting
Its all a guessing game there
Oleg Bereziy
zoran trobok
Selcuk Ozsahin
Jarek Berger
Novo Solo
Ludzie w biurze bardzo mili( za to 3 gwiazki), wozkowi- nie, wrecz chamscy, zaladunek minimum 3-5 godzin. Czyste toalety, brak prysznica, ciasno, pozwalaja zostac na noc, ale zamykaja brame. Brak mozliwosci pauzowania w okolicy.
Krzysztof Adamczak
Od 10.00 zaczyna się robić ciasno i 27 pal stoję już 2godz
Krzysztof Stachowski
W porządku magazynierzy, czasem długo się czeka na rozładunek/załadunek. Jak się zagada to można stać u nich pauze nocna. Brak parkingu przed firma.
piotr skawski
Oleksandr Orekhov
Плохой заезд, перекрыты дороги на самой фирме не развернуться, бестолково и мало места
Michael Street
Witia Witia
Zoltán Böröcz
7 óra alatt rakták meg a fél pótkocsit, de legalább itt lehet aludni.
Igor Tkatschuk
Ionut Gabriel
Pawel Kondratyshen
Розбивають палети і записують в цмр.З зневагою ставляться до водіїв
Catalin-George Sandu
Tomasz Kończak
Nowa firma jeszcze nie ma jej na mapach ale łatwo trafić super ekipa szybki rozładunek.
Cornel Podaru
Jose Gomes
Bernard Clark
Vladimir Vasilev
Чисто нова логистика,бързи,безпроблемно,влизат в положението ако ти свършва времето и те оставят за пауза!
Jan Nowak
György Samu
Sasha Killer
Новопобудоване приміщення і територія . Вигрузка починається після того ,як віддасиш ключі від авто на рецепшин в складі . Є чисті туалети
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