Freight forwarders in Russian Federation
Looking for reliable and price effective freight forwarder for your next shipment? We can help you find freight forwarding companies in Russian Federation.
Our directory contains 60 freight forwarding companies in Russian Federation. Scroll down to find more details about the companies.
Russian Federation has 60 freight forwarding companies in our directory and they are distributed throughout the country.
Browse allTotal of 208 real customer reviews of logistics companies in Russian Federation
Looking for top rated, most reliable freight forwarders in Russian Federation? We hand picked top 6 companies for your next shipment.
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Top freight forwarding companies in Russian Federation
Browse 2025's top rated freight companies in Russian Federation based on 208 customer reviews.
Company | About | Reviews | Services / Geolocation |
Ooo "Profit-Trans"
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
| Multimodal logistic companyFreight forwarding and proper customs clearance is a task to which we devote all our time. We are a full-cycle logistics and customs operator that has been operating on the Russian container transportation market for more than 6 years. | Contact | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
| Freight transportation from VladivostokFETEXIM is your reliable partner in the field of cargo transportation by various means of transport at affordable prices! We provide sea freight, rail freight, trucking, international cargo transportation, container shipping and customs clearance. | Contact | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Multimodal transports Coverage |
Pobedit Trans
Moscow, Russian Federation
| The reliability of your cargo is in our handsThanks to the experience in the field of transportation Pobedit Trans delivers at a high level. The company's capabilities allow us to find an individual approach for each client and select the right transport for their cargo. | Contact | Rail freight Road freight Logistics Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage |
Soling Impact SL
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
| We will help you to be sureSoling Group provides freight forwarding, intra-port forwarding, customs clearance, trucking, warehousing and foreign trade consulting services to our customers. | Contact | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Logistics Cross-trade Coverage |
Baltic Escort
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
| Reliability, deserving trust!Guided by the main goal of the company - to satisfy the needs of the clientele in the field of transportation services as much as possible, Baltic Escort is constantly working to analyze the market situation and improve the quality of its services. | Contact | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Car transport Value added services Coverage |
Delovoy Mir, Ooo
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
| Reliability. Quality. Responsibility.Delovoy Mir is ready to solve your problems on a turnkey basis and free up working time for more important issues. We provide freight forwarding, chartering of vessels, rain transportation, warehouse logistics and customs declaration. | Contact | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Coverage |
We found 60 freight forwarding companies in Russian Federation
Company | Reviews | Services |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Your reliable partnerRostov Sea Multimodal Port provides a full range of services: rail transport, road transport, sea and river transport, warehousing, cargo repacking and sorting, cargo weighing and more. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Warehousing Customs services Packing & Crating Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
All in motionOur well-coordinated team has been working in the logistics services market since 2013. The experience we have accumulated will help you save money, energy and time. | Road freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Hit the targets all togetherWe deal with international sea, road, rail, and multimodal transport. We have close cooperation with global network of partners and can offer a wide range of additional services such as customs clearance, freight forwarding, warehouse services, etc. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Multimodal logistic companyFreight forwarding and proper customs clearance is a task to which we devote all our time. We are a full-cycle logistics and customs operator that has been operating on the Russian container transportation market for more than 6 years. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Your challenges - Our solutionsOur company's work covers not only the Russian market. We also work on imports and exports with Japan and other countries in Southeast Asia. In addition, we provide intra-port forwarding, customs clearance and cargo insurance services. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Freight transportation from VladivostokFETEXIM is your reliable partner in the field of cargo transportation by various means of transport at affordable prices! We provide sea freight, rail freight, trucking, international cargo transportation, container shipping and customs clearance. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
The reliability of your cargo is in our handsThanks to the experience in the field of transportation Pobedit Trans delivers at a high level. The company's capabilities allow us to find an individual approach for each client and select the right transport for their cargo. | Rail freight Road freight Logistics Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Our credo is your success!We've been engaged in international cargo transportation since 2010 and over this period have developed the following areas of logistics services in our portfolio: international transportation, customs clearance, cargo insurance, warehousing, etc. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
We will help you to be sureSoling Group provides freight forwarding, intra-port forwarding, customs clearance, trucking, warehousing and foreign trade consulting services to our customers. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Logistics Cross-trade Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Reliability, deserving trust!Guided by the main goal of the company - to satisfy the needs of the clientele in the field of transportation services as much as possible, Baltic Escort is constantly working to analyze the market situation and improve the quality of its services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Car transport Value added services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Project cargo transportationOur main purpose is to provide logistics solutions to project cargo transportation as well as complete equipment deliveries. We provide multimodal, railway and river transportation, inland trucking, sea freight, custom clearance and insurance. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Reliability. Quality. Responsibility.Delovoy Mir is ready to solve your problems on a turnkey basis and free up working time for more important issues. We provide freight forwarding, chartering of vessels, rain transportation, warehouse logistics and customs declaration. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Multifunctional cargo carrierWe've been successfully operating in the transportation market for over 20 years. We will carefully, accurately, just in time deliver any of your cargo - small or multi-ton, standard or oversized, as well as dangerous or with access to state secrets. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
TIS GROUP - Your choiceTIS Group organizes international transportation of goods of any complexity, including transportation of project cargo by various modes of transport. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Trusted full service companyInternational multimodal container transportation of goods is our specialization. We deliver and accompany cargo all over the world, providing a full range of freight forwarding services. Professionally. Reliably. On time. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods One-stop shop Cross-trade Car transport Value added services Exhibition cargo Packing & Crating Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
The client's success is the success of Trans Vanino Cargo.Trans Vanino Cargo is providing a wide range of transport and forwarding services in the port of Vanino, one of the largest transport hubs in the Far East basin. Our task is to reduce the time of delivery and cargo with minimal costs for the client. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Hazardous goods Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
International transport forwarding companyThanks to the accumulated experience, the company provides an integrated service for any logistics operations, from the delivery of goods within the country to the provision of global international transportation by any means of transport. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
We do our best to be better than your current forwardersFor over 25 years, RM Group has been helping its clients to do business with China and Europe. During this time, the company has gained tremendous experience in most issues related to trade, logistics and business organization. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
People first, not cargo!FESCO is one of the leading transportation and logistics companies in Russia operating a variety of assets including ports, terminals, vessel fleet, rolling stock and more. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Professionally. Reliably. On time.We are pleased to present you a company whose only task is to provide a modern, high-tech and reliable service for the transportation, storage and forwarding of goods around the world. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
International freight forwarder and customs brokerWe have unique experience of delivery in seaports and transportations of all types of goods: dangerous, bulky and heavy. The huge experience and knowledge allows to solve any tasks of goods transportation worldwide. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Your private logistic partnerThe Russian company specializes in the transportation of project industrial cargoes by all means of transport, including heavy, oversized and long equipment, as well as in the organization and implementation of transport and forwarding services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Car transport Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Experience is not subject to the elementsJSC is an independent transport and logistics company in Russia, founded in 1929. We carry out sea and river cargo transportation, have unique experience in the field of transportation of oversized and heavy cargo and provide freight services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Car transport Value added services Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Your trustworthy freight forwarderTFM Freight-Forwarding Group has been acting and developing in the freight international market for 25 years. We can carry out oversized cargo shipment in containers as well as cargo escorting and insurance and multimodal carriage. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Car transport Value added services Cross-dock Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Transportations of utmost complicacyMORTRANS is Russian forwarding company offering full range of services for transportation of any cargo to/from worldwide. We have experience in all kinds of cargo movements and we have proved to be a reliable and skilled partner. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
RusSotra is always ready to help youWe are specialized in arrangement carriage of export-import and transit goods both in containers and conventionally in multimodal international transportation. We are capable to provide a full set of qualified services to our clients. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Your reliable partner in the organization of transportation.Transsafe Logistics is a specialized provider of logistics services for oil and gas, mining and coal processing industries. We provide a full range of services of import supplies of equipment, spare parts, components and consumables for enterprises. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
A team of professional freight forwardersEstive today is one of the leading transport operators in the Far East. We provide a full range of freight forwarding services: shipping, customs clearance, storage, insurance, cargo protection, surveyor services and legal support. | Air freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Your trusted freight forwarding companyWe deliver goods "from door to door" from any country in the world. The main activity is multimodal and railway transportation in own containers. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Car transport Value added services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
A new level for your businessFrom Russian winter roads to international transport. We offer flexibility, cost reduction and predicted risk assessment for our customers. Our services include sea, air, land and intermodal transport. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Improving logistics - improving the world!RTL provides freight forwarding services for heavy lift and oversize cargo. We provide road freight, rail freight, sea freight, air freight, multimodal transportation, customs services, engineering support and stevedoring services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
The pursuit of excellenceBIMEX GROUP LLC is an international transport forwarder. We provide a full range of logistics services, including the organization of transportation by all modes of transport around the world. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Car transport Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian freight forwarderVR LOGISTIC is an international logistics operator. Thanks to a network of branches in Europe, China and Russia, as well as our representatives at key customs posts, we can provide the most efficient and high-quality service. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Forwarding and transportation of goods of any complexityUTEK Group has been providing its customers with logistics services that meet all modern standards since 2004. We provide project logistics and forwarding, transportation, cargo handling, warehousing, handling and packaging services. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
We are in business to help your business thrive, even in challenging times.Whether you're a vessel owner looking for quality shipping services, a market leader in need of a reliable freight forwarder, or a marine company seeking world-class offshore support, think GAC. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Your railway logistics partnerRZD Logistics is the largest multimodal logistics operator in the CIS and Baltic countries. We are one of the leaders in the Russian market of logistics outsourcing for industrial enterprises, providing comprehensive supply chain management services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Cross-dock Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Professional freight forwardersThe PRO-LOG company will professionally and comprehensively solve your transport and logistics tasks. You can count on high-quality organization of international and domestic transportation, assistance in customs clearance and information support. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Multimodal transportation of heavy cargo worldwideTransportation of project cargo around the world, with a focus on multimodal transportation of large-sized equipment for companies from the petrochemical, energy and metallurgy sectors, is the main vector of our company's work. | Air freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Transport and logistics companyProviding customers with reliable and timely services for the transportation of goods in Russia and the world at a level that meets the highest professional and ethical standards. We provide railway, shipping, trucking and air transportation. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
We carry the difficult!Having accumulated serious experience in this area, we know for sure that one of the main qualities required is the ability to easily get involved in the client's business processes, respond quickly and efficiently to their requests. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Your trusting freight forwarderFortis is a freight forwarding company. Despite the relatively young age, the company is a team of specialists with extensive experience in the field of transport logistics and customs clearance. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Your cargo - Our cargo - Your cargoTransport and logistics company for international transportation of goods. We offer a wide range of services in the field of logistics and cargo transportation. You can be sure that your cargo will be delivered safe and in optimal time. | Air freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Your partner in transportWe are freight forwarders and trucking company. Our business is to deliver cargo from a shipper to a consignee fast, cheap and reliable using different types of transport. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Full range of agency servicesThe main goal of Agency Skat LLC as a shipping agent is to provide a full range of agency services, backed by knowledge of the current situation in the port, in-depth analysis and forecasting of the maritime transportation and services market. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Customs services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Hoegh Autoliners Agency in Russia and the Republic of BelarusThe successful work confirms the high quality of our service, covering almost all regions of the world. We transport a wide range of cargoes including construction, railway and mining equipment, a variety of industrial and oil equipment. | Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Logistic company from St. PetersburgWe transform every product, every new effective solution to your benefit. Implementation of your most daring plans and providing maximum competitive advantage is the main priority in our daily work. | Air freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Professionality. Stability. Favourable terms.National Logistics Company LLC was founded in 2011 as logistics services operator. Perfect reputation and high professionalism of our specialists make our company one of the leaders in the sphere of freight forwarding. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Logistics around the worldNew Way Logistic is a freight forwarding company in Vladivostok, ready to offer its customers a full range of logistics services. We provide rail transportation, door-to-door cargo transportation, sea transportation and road transportation. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
A reliable partner for cargo transportationIf you are interested in cargo transportation organized by the leading operator of Rostov-on-Don, our company is ready to offer you the best rates and effective solutions based on advanced transport and warehouse logistics. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Integrated logistics services for your businessIFT company does not just ensure the delivery of cargo within the framework of concluded foreign trade contracts. We do this in the most efficient way, taking into account the parameters set by the customer. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
We solve complex problems in the field of transport logisticsThe company successfully operates in the field of transport and logistics services and customs clearance of import-export cargo, and during its work has established itself as a trustworthy partner, working with both large and small companies. | Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Your trusted partner in project & multimodal logisticsOur company offers customers comprehensive logistics solutions designed specifically for your business. Choosing BARRUS LOGISTICS you can be sure of your cargo safety, on-time delivery and high quality of our services. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
Freight forwarders since 1998We provide comprehensive freight forwarding service package relating to crude oil and oil product export shipments at the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk in Russia. | Ocean freight Customs services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Excellent at what we doFor 20 years, the company has successfully used its extensive experience in organizing the transportation of various cargoes around the world. We provide multimodal, oversized, ro-ro, railway, road and air transportation. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Let us achieve your goals on timeHolding Company KAMA-TRUCKS Ltd. is one of the largest companies in Russia, transporting cargoes by rail, road, sea and multimodal way in Russia, CIS countries and all over the world. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Hazardous goods Value added services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Redefined logistics. Global. Safe. ReliableWe combine tradition with innovation. Founded well over 100 years ago always managed as a medium-sized enterprise, we live and love competence, consistency and a total focus on our customers. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Value added services Coverage | |
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Your foothold since 2006.We were founded in 2006 as an operator for the provision of logistics services. The excellent reputation and professionalism of our employees has allowed us to become one of the industry leaders in the field of freight forwarding. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Warehousing Customs services Multimodal transports Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
We will find you a solutionVTG has for decades been a leading player in the European rail freight space. Over the years, it has become a byword for sustainability and social responsibility. | Rail freight Packing & Crating Intermodal transport Coverage | |
Moscow, Russian Federation
Responsibility for resultsRusatom Cargo is an industry logistics operator that delivers bulky cargo to NPPs under construction abroad. | Air freight Rail freight Road freight Ocean freight Logistics Customs services Coverage | |
Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
30 years on the moveOur company organizes container transportation all over the world. To organize the process of moving goods, we use various types of transport - sea, road, and rail, which allows us to offer clients the most economical route schemes. | Rail freight Road freight Logistics Ocean freight Customs services Hazardous goods Car transport Value added services Coverage |
Ilya Chernov
01.12.2018Супер место!