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Comprehensive Review of Lagermax AED - A Leading Name in the Freight Forwarding Industry
With several years of experience in the freight forwarding industry, I have encountered and assessed several logistic companies with differing levels of service quality. In this review, I will provide an impartial examination of one such company, Lagermax AED, a distinguished name in the logistics industry in Croatia.
About Lagermax AED
Lagermax AED, a subsidiary of the Lagermax Group, is a well-established logistics and transport company headquartered in Croatia. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Lagermax AED offers a comprehensive range of transport, warehousing, and customs services, distinguishing themselves as a market leader in the Balkan region.
Services Offered by Lagermax AED
Lagermax AED’s core service offerings include:
- Transport Services: Providing a diverse portfolio of transportation options such as road, sea, air, and rail transport.
- Logistics Solutions: Delivering high-quality warehousing, distribution, and supply chain management solutions.
- Customs Services: Ensuring smooth customs procedures, from documentation to clearance.
1. Transport Services
Lagermax AED boasts an extensive network that ensures top-quality transport services. Their end-to-end solutions cover local, national, and international deliveries. The diversity of transport options makes for a customizable and flexible service delivery in harmony with the client's particular requirements.
2. Logistics Solutions
In logistics, trust is paramount. The efficiency of the Lagermax AED logistics system confirms their reliability as an industry leader. Their warehousing and distribution processes are seamless and regularly updated to cater to a diverse client base.
3. Customs Services
Managing customs can be a nightmare for businesses unfamiliar with international logistics. Lagermax AED simplifies these complex procedures with professional customs clearance services, taking complete responsibility of import and export documentation to ensure seamless freight forwarding.
A Look at Lagermax AED's Quality Standards
Quality and efficiency are the two main pillars of Lagermax AED's operational strategy. Their commitment to these elements is manifested in how they learn from their collaborations. Continuous learning and an internal drive towards improvement ensure they maintain their status as a leading logistics and transport company.
Lagermax AED's Impact on the Freight Forwarding Industry
Just like every game has its game changers, the freight forwarding industry identifies Lagermax AED as its own. The company’s comprehensive services and client-focused approach set the standards for quality. Their contribution to the industry is vast, particularly in the Balkan region.
Client Support
Client satisfaction merits a high priority at Lagermax AED. Their dedicated team stays in constant touch with clients to address concerns or queries. Regular updates and real-time status on shipments further reinforce client trust and satisfaction.
VERSUS the Competition
What differentiates Lagermax AED from its competitors? It is their unwavering commitment to providing efficient and reliable services, backed by a firm understanding of client requirements. Their portfolio of comprehensive services coupled with a customer-centric model sets them apart in the industry.
Final Thoughts
As a professional in the freight forwarding industry, I can safely recommend Lagermax AED as a competent choice in logistics and customs services. For businesses seeking efficient, reliable and flexible solutions for their logistics and transport needs, Lagermax AED promises not only to deliver but to exceed expectations.
Their client-centric approach, comprehensive services, dedicated customer support and commitment to quality are only a few characteristics that make this company stand out in the crowded logistics industry. Their vision to improve and adapt to the ever-evolving needs of the market will likely ensure their position at the forefront of the freight forwarding industry in the years to come.
Zdravko Bokulić
Plan Dekarz
Udało się rozładować dzień przed terminem, personel w porządku
Sve full samo su malo sporiji pri utovaru…
Vladimír Jurčo
Vykládka bez problémov
Lucky Luke
Zomar Outlet Keramika
radimo s Vama dugo godina i moramo priznati veliki trud iako smo i mi ponekad krivi sve se na kraju riješi na obostrano zadovoljstvo.Posebna pohvala Ljiljani i vozaču Darku.
Miro Erceg
Definitivno najlošija dostavljačka hitnu dostavnu unutar Hrvatske im treba 3-4 dana, SRAMOTNO !!!
Inter Adaks
Edin Mujakic
Kulturna radna snaga! Brz istovar! Nikakvo arogantno ponašanje nije zastupljeno! 5+ zvijezdica za osoblje! Buffon✌️
Ante Knežević
darko capan
Najgora firma što se tiče znanja o stanju pošiljke, a za sve dostavljače super
Jsquad JS
brza i kvalitetna usluga , a osoblje za svaku pohvalu. preporučujem svima ... i ako ćete imati sreće , možda u jutarnjim satima na peronu 32 sretnete jednu predivnu i zgodnu djevojku kad puši i pije kavu. ovim putem ju pozdravljam i nadam se našem ponovnom susretu. šifra : paleta je na broju ! kisi kisi
Vinko Bahun
Čeka se dugo za prikup, te su vozači bezobrazni i u nekim prilikama čak vulgarni.
Jedino ljubazno osoblje su djelatnice na telefonskoj liniji
Ivan Varat
Neprofesionalna i užasna usluga tvrtke Lagermax AED Croatia. Uništili su našu robu u transportu, zakasnili 48 sati u dostavi. Očekivali smo odštetu od njihovog osiguranja, ali umjesto toga još uvijek moramo nešto platiti. Nevjerojatno. Svu tu neprofesionalnu komunikaciju vodio je čovjek pod imenom Marko Livajić. Izbjegavati tvrtku.
Verica Markovic
Djuro Krivokuca
Jako loše place vam je prijevoz niste isporucili
naš paket LHR-555702-LHR-1 vodite pod satusom gotovo a robu koju ste nam trebali isporučiti na adresu još uvijek čuvate (već nekoliko dana) na Vašem skladištu u Luci.
Možete li nam objasniti do kad će Vaš cirkus tako funkcionirati? Zar ne postojI u ovoj našoj lijepoj Hrvatskoj nekakva institucija da Vas kazni zbog nemara i krivih informacija? Zar možete uopće kao takvi raditi i postojati? Status GOTOVO !!!!!????
Vitalii Lutsak
Приехал на разгрузку в четверг о 14:15. А охранник обьявил, что они только до 14:00 принимают и жди до 7 утра.
В Австрии для примера на Лагермаксе даже в суботу до 15 пускают разрузится.
Планируйте свое время соответственно и не попадвйте так же как и я.
Alen Harr
Organizacija 0
sda blafka
Duško Banjeglav
Apsolutna i totalna nula. Od usluge, ljubaznosti, sposobnosti, kvalitete i profesionalnosti. Jedino što znaju na vrijeme je poslati račun.
Nenad Pazin
Danas 22.5.2019. u Lošinju vozaču se nije čekalo jer je nakon 1 min.poslije poziva za isporuku jednostavno otišao i rekao čovjeku da će dobiti svoje stvari u subotu.To nije jedini takav incident.ŠALJITE ROBU PREKO NEKOG DRUGOG!!!!!!!!!!
Bojan Bernik
Nitko se ne javlja na telefon, a probao sam zvati na sve koje sam našao na web stranici. Petak u 10h ujutro.
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Gospodin Slavec
Ivica Miksic
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