Your solutions for logistics
CGATE Logistics GmbH was founded in 2009. With a neutral customs agency in our company, you benefit from professional customs clearance of your goods regardless of the mail order business while also offer services via air, sea and road.
Offered services
Comprehensive Review on CGate Logistics
When looking for a logistic company that addresses all your transportation and storage needs, CGate Logistics is a strong contender in the market. Drawing from years of experience and cherishing a global presence, their services are punctuated by professionalism, efficiency, and a consistent thrust on customer satisfaction.
A Closer Look at CGate Logistics
CGate Logistics stands out as a global logistics company specializing in the transportation and storage of liquid foodstuffs. The company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany with branches and partners in strategic locations across the globe.
CGate Logistics is known for their vast network that spans multiple continents – their presence is felt in Asia, Europe, and North America. These areas are key hubs for logistic operations, providing the company with a strategic advantage.
Expertise in Liquid Foodstuff Logistics
What truly sets CGate Logistics apart is their unique position as a specialist for transporting liquid foodstuffs. Their expertise spans across juices, concentrates, edible oils, wine, spirits, beer, and more. Their commitment to quality ensures these goods are stored and transported under the ideal conditions to maintain their freshness and taste.
For such sensitive logistic operations, the company offers ISO tank container logistics, flexitank logistics, and full-service logistics management. This versatility makes them a one-stop solution for liquid foodstuff logistics.
ISO Tank Container Logistics
The ISO tank container logistics by CGate Logistics is a testament to their mission of efficient and safe transportation. ISO tank containers are used for the intermodal transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous cargo – in this case, it’s mostly used for liquid foodstuff.
These containers are internationally approved, environmentally friendly, and allows for transfer between different modes of transport (ship, rail, or truck) without unloading and reloading the cargo.
Flexitank Logistics
Flexitanks are essentially large bags that can be fitted into a standard shipping container to transport bulk liquid. CGate Logistics leverages this technology to transport large volumes of non-hazardous liquid efficiently and effectively. Giving the utmost importance to quality and safety, the company uses flexitanks that are food grade and adhere to the highest safety standards.
Full-Service Logistics Management
CGate Logistics’ full-service logistics management takes care of everything from pick-up, shipping, custom duties to delivery of the goods. They also provide tracking and logistical planning, ensuring a stress-free experience for their clients.
Reliable and Trusted Partners
The company boasts of having a hyper-connected and reliable network of partners. Through these partnerships, CGate Logistics offers a seamless experience regardless of where the cargo needs to go. Whether it’s by sea, rail, or road, they have the resources and relationships needed to execute efficient logistics operations.
Competent and Experienced Staff
At its core, CGate Logistics is driven by a team of experienced and competent staff members. The employees are well-versed with the complexities of the transportation and storage of liquid foodstuff. They bring in their personal touch to provide outstanding support to the clients.
From coordinating pickups and deliveries to ensuring that the strictest safety standards are adhered to during transport, every task is handled with utmost professionalism.
Committed to Sustainability
In line with their commitment to sustainability, CGate Logistics aims to reduce the environmental impact of their operations. The company follows the best practices in their supply chain, investing in technology that boosts efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
CGate Logistics is not just about moving goods from one place to another – it’s about doing so responsibly. Focusing on sustainability, safety, and efficiency, the company puts emphasis on delivering quality logistical services.
Overall, CGate Logistics provides effective solutions for the complex demands of transporting and storing liquid foodstuff. They blend innovation with traditional values to provide a service that sets them apart in the logistics industry.
T. R.
A team that don´t settle for mediocrity
Rescho El Mero
Nette Führungskräfte, junges Team und schöne Büros.
Zdenko Gržin
This company of yours seems completely frivolous to me.
First, after my order don't send me any information about bank acount and name of recipient
Secondly then send me bank account without the name of the recipient..
Third, after my payment their bank don't transefer money to account
Fourth, are sending me a new bank account at another bank that does not contain my sent money.
Mostly terrible business
Thai Mai
Nur Probleme antworten nicht stellen sie tot ware fehlt versuchen einen mit Peanuts abzuspeissen und selbst dann zahlen sie nicht . man muss sich erst einen anwalt nehmen bis sie reagieren
Music 46
Damian Bacler
Die Zusammenarbeit klappt super. CGATE ist ein zuverlässiger Partner für Zollabwicklung und Transport. Klare Weiterempfehlung
Philip Amklami
Mario Eichhorn
DJ Maikel
Habe ware aus china bekommen Cgate hat alle übernommen Verzollung transport nach kiel usw auf den leider ist bei cgate 3 Pakete im wert von insgesammt ca 3000 verloren gegengen gestohlen was auch immer seit fast 6 monaten zieht es sich wie ein kaugummi bei cgate hin mit dem email verkehr. Immer wieder werden gleiche fragen gestellt jetzt heisst es die versicherung zahlt nur ein drittel des schades bzw warenwert einkaufwert das würde heissen fpr mich ich verliere 2000 euro weil chgate unterversichert ist bzw meine ware verbummelt hat ich werde natürlich gegen cgate anwaltlich vorgehen und werden niemals mehr mit diese firma geschäfte machen ich persönlich werde diese firma meiden wo es nir geht.
Sven Liedke
Cgate nutzte ich für alle AOG's
ViralWeb Digital
Great logistics company.. It's a pleasure to work with such a credible company!
Wir haben bisher nur positive Erfahrungen mit CGATE Logistics gemacht.
- Unsere Anfragen werden schnell bearbeitet und beantwortet.
- Die Preise entsprechen unseren Vorstellungen.
- Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit.
- Aufträge werden schnell gebucht und bestätigt.
- Sendungen werden zuverlässig und pünktlich abgeholt und verladen!!!
Wir haben Dienstleistungen im Bereich Stückgut Luft und See in Anspruch genommen. Hauptsächlich verladen wir Gefahrgut und bisher gab es keinerlei Probleme.
CGATE Logistics kann von uns mit ruhigen Gewissen weiterempfohlen werden.
Sabrina Müller
Cgate übernimmt schon seit Jahren den Versand unserer Sendungen und wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Luftfrachtabteilung. Auch nach Feierabend kann ich meine Ansprechpartner erreichen und mir wird immer geholfen.
Top Service, schnelle Reaktion und gute Preise.
Cgate Logistics ist seit Jahren mein Partner für Chemielogistik.
Sowohl die vertrauensvolle und zuverlässige Abwicklung unseres Kontraktgeschäfts, als auch schnelle und unkomplizierte Lösungen für Sondertransporte.
Das macht für mein Geschäft und meine Kunden den Unterschied.
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