Rail freight companies

Start your search for the ideal rail freight forwarder by narrowing down selection by country you are shipping to or shipping from. From there, you can review services of companies in our database. At any moment you can request quotes from multiple companies while staying anonymous during the bidding process.

Rail freight

Rail freight refers to the transfer of goods through train shipping. It is a cost-effective, green, and reliable way to deliver goods globally and for any industry.

As a transport option, rail shipping is pretty reliable. Rail transport follows tight regulations, and each country has its set of standards. And, while there are private rail logistics companies, they use a public rail network. They have to abide by specific rules that make this form of transport safe.

Among the freight options, train shipping is quite affordable. Rail shipping rates may vary by type of cargo and train, reducing the total cost of shipping.

To find the best rail freight quote, scroll down and browse the global directory of companies. Or, you may move down to the end of the page and contact a broker.   

Rail freight forwarding

To simplify the process of finding rail freight transport, use our global directory. You can use it to browse companies by location, service, or by name.

Browsing by location is the best option if you want an overview of all freight companies for target geolocation. When you browse by companies, you get a list of all available companies for a selected country. It is an excellent solution if you want to perform a thorough search and get multiple quotes.

Browsing by service is a better solution when you know the specifics of both cargo and transport. It is simple to get a quote if you know about cargo type, specific laws, and whether you need intermodal shipping. 

Browsing by name is the fastest way to get a quote if you have a referral. In each country, there are best-performing freight companies that offer services with a track record. Also, it is the fastest way to find a quote. 

Before you make any decisions, ensure that you know how to calculate rail freight costs. With that, you can find the right match for your cargo.

Rail freight rates

For most shipments, you can use a simple rail freight calculator formula. You calculate rail freight rates by multiplying the cost per ton of the cargo with the cost per mile. In rail logistics terminology, they call this weight/mile calculation. Once you have that calculation ready, add additional freight costs, and now you have a quote for your shipment.

The rail freight costs depend on several elements. These include the type of cargo, type of container, train type, distance, and location. 

Type of cargo

Rail freight transport allows you to ship commodities, agriculture products, chemicals, bulk materials, and hazardous materials. The type of cargo affects the total cost of shipment. Of course, it is cheaper to ship commodities than medical waste.

Type of container

There are FCL and LCL containers. FCL stands for full-container-load, and LCL stands for less-than-container-load. The size of your shipment determines the total weight, and thus the price of the shipment.

Type of train

There are flatbeds, containerized trains, and bulk containers. You select the type of train according to the cargo of your shipment. Each train has its specific and additional costs to consider.

Distance and location 

Distance and location are final detriments to the cost of transport. Study the rail freight map to find the shortest distance to ship your cargo.

Finally, you can use our services to find the best quote for your shipment (link ka formi na našem sajtu gde to mogu da urade).

Rail shipping

Rail shipping services have a simple framework. Users contact the brokers or freight forwarding companies to request a quote for their shipment. The best practice is to apply for multiple quotes to get the best deal for your cargo. 

Rail shipping services

There are two primary types of rail shipping, and these are rail-only transport and intermodal freight transport. Rail-only transport is much cheaper and better for shorter distances. Intermodal freight transport is more common, as it gives you more flexibility with your shipment.

It is best to know what you want to ship and how much you want to pay for the transport. Also, make sure to check local regulations for cargo type and rail freight transport.

Some countries and even regions have specific rules for cargo and shipment. Check those regulations, re-calculate the price, and then look for quotes. Even with short distances, think of using intermodal freight transport.

Intermodal freight transport

Intermodal freight transport refers to the hybrid transport of goods. Often, it is a combination of truck and rail transport. The point of intermodal transport is to find the routes to deliver goods for less time and at a better price.

Another advantage of intermodal freight is the specific container type. Use a single container for trucks and trains alike. That reduces the price of additional costs of transport.

Instead of shipping everything by train, ask your broker about other possibilities of transports. At least, do so if you have a reliable broker.  

Rail freight brokers

Rail freight brokers are employees of rail freight companies. Their job is to work with company logistics and find your best quotes.

You may recognize an excellent broker by their investment in your quote. They want to offer you several freight quotes, and with several prices for you to select. Once they ship your cargo, they want to become your regular freight broker.

The quality of service and reliability are the foundations of a successful rail freight company.