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Review of ITG: Excellence in Logistic Solutions
Transparency and a critical evaluation of a service are vital for establishing a proficient business model. Providing a comprehensive, impartial assessment of such services is equally necessary. As an impartial expert in the freight forwarding industry, I am here to provide you with a detailed review of ITG. This review has been designed keeping in mind all the aspects of the logistics industry to provide a unique yet personal point of view.
About ITG GmbH Internationale Spedition + Logistik
ITG GmbH Internationale Spedition + Logistik is a globally recognised, multimodal logistics company based in Germany. Renowned for its quality services and deep industry knowledge, ITG offers a comprehensive range of logistic solutions to cater to the diversified needs of their international clientele.
Logistics Services
ITG offers a wide array of services that includes air freight, sea freight, and oversized and heavy goods transport, demonstrating their ability to provide clients with a one-stop solution for their logistical needs.
Air Freight
ITG's air freight services encompass both import and export functions, ensuring prompt and efficient delivery. Their services are marked by a high frequency of departures, securing of capacities, and flexibility in terms of volumes. They also provide door-to-door service to support the overall customer experience.
Sea Freight
Offering reliable and cost-effective sea freight solutions, ITG boasts of well-established partnerships with some of the leading shipping companies across the globe. Their services include Full Container Load (FCL), Less than Container Load (LCL), and door-to-door service.
Oversized and Heavy Goods
Transporting oversized and heavy goods can be a daunting task, but with ITG, this aspect is no longer a hassle. Providing customised solutions based on the client's requirements is their forte. Each trajectory is optimally planned and executed with careful consideration for cost and time efficiency.
Indent Service
ITG also offers a unique Indent Service for footpath trade. They support customers throughout the process, right from purchasing to delivery.
Warehouse Logistics
ITG provides modern warehouse logistics solutions equipped with cutting-edge technology for both physical goods and data storage. Services like pick and pack, storage, dispatch preparation, and inventory management are handled seamlessly by their expert staff.
Customs Clearance
One of the significant hurdles faced by the global logistics industry is customs clearance. ITG eases this process by offering a comprehensive customs service for import and export. They not only handle the import and export customs clearance but also take care of transit processing and fiscal representation. This eliminates the need for foreign vendors to register with the tax office, thus providing hassle-free experience.
Quality and Certifications
Adhering to the global standards of the freight forwarding industry, ITG is ISO 9001-certified. This means they have an internationally recognised quality management system in place that ensures a consistent level of service.
ITG Customers and Clients
ITG's prominent clientele includes industry leaders across multiple sectors like automotive, pharmaceuticals, chemical, electronics, among others.
The Environmental Footprint
Realising their responsibility towards the environment, ITG continuously develops strategies to minimise and mitigate environmental risks. The company's commitment to sustainable solutions underlines it's stand as a responsible industry player
ITG's Position in the International Stage
Standing tall in the international logistics landscape, ITG's global network spans 120 countries, ensuring wide coverage and connectivity.
Overall, ITG offers an excellent blend of expertise, transparency, global presence, and a detailed understanding of the market. Their commitment to delivering high-quality services and customer care sets them apart in the competitive logistics environment.
oyuncu kartı
Norbert Appold
Klasse Service
Станислав Стоянов
Gabor Osz
Сергей Шмигиро
Dariusz Szywala
Wszystko ok
Petru Gheorghe
Pentru descărcare se merge direct la nr porți trecut pe CMR
Descărcare rapidă
Miroslav Šmíd
V kanceláři ignorace, neochota cokoliv řešit a taky mají na všechno spoustu času. Ve skladu pro změnu rychlí a ochotní. Před rampami je malé parkoviště a jedna suchá toaleta...
Erol Yildiz
Nie Wieder
Besser als Spediteur die Finger von ITG weglassen. Lkw pünktlich gestellt und Transportauftrag zu 100% eingehalten. Dann wurde die Ware nicht verladen und es kam einfach ein Storno als der Lkw vor Ort war. Auf Nachfrage dann mit Dumpingausfallfracht versucht abgespeist zu werden, übel. Nie wieder ITG Oberding gilt für mich!
Andrzej Lach
Szybki załadunek miła obsługa
Gianluca Cucchi
Vesko Pocek
Iacob Alin
Adrian Ioan
Şevket Güney
Aşırı yavaşlar insanları büro önünde bekletmeyede bayılıyorlar burayı sevmedim hiç
kanyó károly
Hosszú rakodási idő
csaby ptrcsb
Cata Szabo
Putin complicat... Returul se face in timpul saptamanii la poarta 41 si sambata la 13
Josef Schiller
Schnelle und korrekte Abwicklung
Alles top
Attila Toth
Esra Akgün
Γεωργιος Ρωμας
Bela Pirampel
Allesgut ITG.
m a n i e k
Ogólnie wszystko ok. Przy biurze meldunkowym swoje trzeba odstać i poczekać. Jak już wskażą magazyn i rampe to sam rozładunek szybko i sprawnie.
Sławomir Okupski
Aaron Cachay Santana
Radek Nowak
Здесь въезд на фирму: 48.351857,11.832201. В левом крыле углового здания офис. Работают с 8.00, но долго курят и пьют кофе и опаздывают на работу, поэтому лучше идти к ним в 8.30. На офисе кучя бездельников. За полтора часа я услышал 9 раз слово "ждите 10 минут". Загружают быстро. Рядом есть место на 5-7 машин на улице::48.349716,11.836145. 5 звёзд работникам складов - они порядочные и приветливые люди! Работникам офиса - подсрачник!
Thomas schölzel
kiss zsolt
Warnung !! Unseriös und die Geschäftsleitung ist überfordert. Furchtbare Firma.
Ali Karalıofficial
İğrenç bir yer Allah kimseyi düşürmesin çalışanlar saygisiz idari kısımda anlayış yok
Miklós Tóth
Mariusz Gluch
Bálint Gábor Fási
Rózália Bálint
Patryk Makowski
Ion Draghici
Ivan Dudas
jose luis mejias
Jacek Leskiewicz
Daniel Meier
Sind nett und beim Laden extrem schnell . So hab ichs noch nie gesehen. Wie bei den Ameisen geht's da zu . Hammer
Julian Pascal Reichel
Ragwear dort bestellt. Bestellbestätigung erhalten. Bezahlt und sogar Versandbestätigung erhalten. Danach eine Mail vom Händler bekommen und der Händler tritt vom Kaufvertrag zurück.
Geld zwar zurückerhalten aber keine Ware.
Ich habe um Rücksprache gebeten, es erfolgte keine Reaktion des Händlers.
Nie wieder. Warnung!!!!!!
Krzysztof Kozieł
Szybki zaladunek
Sashko Peykov
Evgeniy Starovoy
lorenx. co.14
Josef Jurka
Bez WC. Ale rychlá a pohodlná nakladka
Hristo Nikov
Сергей Ващило
ITG GmbH Eichenstrasse 10b Tor 41
Координаты 48.349516,11.834983
Выгрузка быстрая
Toni Jocu
Alexander Klimenko
Быстро четко простоял 3часа
Bernhard Böhm
Top Unternehmen. Sehr gutes Betriebsklima.
Polen Germany
Dutzudan Dutzu
Arif Dal
Istvan 120p
Ist katasrof
Filip Friščić
Jul Eater
Sehr guter Arbeitgeber
Nastya Shevchuk
Gancho Nanev
най-ужасната логистика в цяла Германия където съм посещавал. В 7 h приеха документите....и на шестото посещение на офиса през 40-45 min ... В 11,15 h благоволиха да ми кажат номер на рампа за разтоварване....
Паркирах се на рампата двама служители от тази прекрасна фирма ме разтовариха за минути...Но ме освободиха от тъй чаканата рампа в 12,35 min.
Защото направиха контрол на товара .. това е задължително!
После си взеха шест празни палета .... и разпределиха целият ми товар по адрес на получател.
И аз требаше да ги чекам на рампата да благоволят да подпишат ,че всичко е ок....
да ви е__а п______а м___а ..........
Няма никакъв паркинг за почивка и сън ... в двора има две химически тоалетни ..
Mihai Serban
Attila Bors
Gyka Barbatel
Ivan Velikov
Богдан Капетій
Грузять не за часом стоїш день а ніч потім їдеш
Przemyslaw janik
Trochę czekałem na dokumenty ale wszystko okej szybki załadunek
Marko Misic
Maksym Tur
Sven Dumke
War schon mehrmals zum entladen da, alle Mitarbeiter überaus freundlich und Hiflsbereit. Super angenehmes Betriebsklima.
Leider nur 2 Sterne da für LKW FAHRER nur Dixi Toiletten zur Verfügung stehen, und diese nicht regelmäßig gereinigt werden. Das geht auf jeden Fall besser.
Überlegt, wer Euch die Ware bringt und auch wieder abholt.
Krzysztof Wilczyński
Пётр Петровичь
Stefan Kunz
Yosif Brankov
Pisztácia nincs Nem is volt
Iszonyat lassan haladt a papírozás
Diana V.
Ioan Zapărțan
Foarte prompt
Virginia Carreras Trolese
János Pöttendi
Rafał Jasnowidz
Marek Lobinski
Szybki załadunek,brak toalety
Kathy Schmidt
Wenn die langen Wartezeiten nicht wären. Ab und zu mal etwas freundlicher zu uns Lkw Fahrern dann wäre es gar nicht so schlecht...
Stanislav Vadura
ها با
Александр Андросюк
Некто нечего не знает
Alvo Kaido
Letzte Drecks Spedition. Arbeit gleicht Sklaventreiberei. (Logistik)
ana maszkalyuk
Curte mare, personal amabil. Merge bine la încărcare. Locuri de parcare sunt pe străzi, fiind zonă Industrială
Piotr Dzierżan
Dragos Ionel Manolescu
Iulian Corbeanu
Tilo Schubert
Freundlich und ordentlich
Хороший класс КЛАСССС нармално
Michal Kotzi
Richtig Stress
Hartl Michael
Georgi Kavalov
Black Wolf
Böcz Józsefné
Tomasz Lisowski
Александр Захватов
Camelia Belascu
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